Straight and Braided

IMG_6404It’s Wednesday again and that means it’s time to talk about WEDDINGS!!!

Today I have another very simple tutorial for a Flower Girl/Jr. Bridesmaid’s hairstyle. The model today is my friend’s daughter, Caylei. So thank you Caylei for being a great model! She loves to have her hair straightened, so that is where I started with this hairstyle.

This picture is the end result of the Straight and Braided! I know that it is a very simple (and maybe easy to some) hairstyle, however, I feel it’s very classic and can be worn at many different ages. Plus, it keeps the hair out of their face so they aren’t messing with it constantly.

What you will need:

Clips, Hair Oil, Thermal Spray, Hair brush, Straightener, Comb, clear rubber band, Hair Spray

Ok, here we go. IMG_6390This is what Caylei’s hair looked like after I brushed it out.

IMG_63921.) From here you are just going to part the hair in different sections and pin them up.

2.) Once you have all your hair sectioned off, now you can begin to straighten the hair. Before you use your straightener, spray each section of the hair with a Thermal Spray. I like to use Enjoy Thermal Spray. Hold about 8 inches away from the hair. Comb it though and then begin to straighten. You will continue this process with every section of the hair.

IMG_63943.) Once you have finished, spray a little bit of the Hair oil all over the hair. I like to use Alterna Bamboo Kendi Dry Oil. It’s light weight and helps tame the hair.

4.) Now you will begin your half french braid on both sides of the hair. I don’t have very good pictures of this, but I will be creating a tutorial for this. Once I do, I will place a link in this post!IMG_6403

5.) Once you have both your braids, you will braid them into a regular 3 strand braid down the center back. Tie it off with a clear rubber band, and you are all set. You can add your own hair accesory of your choice. For now, I just used s comb I had created awhile ago. Or you can leave it alone and keep it very simple. Either way, it’s simple and classy.
